It's a great time to release your worries, anxieties and fears. Full moons are all about letting go. As it falls in the dreamy, intuitive, sensitive, spiritual sign of Pisces, these qualities will get enhanced in our being. Relationships that had completed their term will get over under its influence. For some a new person walks into your life and changes your perspective on life. The water element will be of concern in the form of heavy rains, cloud bursts, floods, etc... The fluids in our body will also be reactive under its influence. Women should work on their hormonal equilibrium at this time otherwise unnecessary irritability and anger can arise. Make the moon water. This is a very good time to write what you don't want in your lives, the blockages... both internal and external and burn that paper. Meditate, sit in silence. Under its influence, It will be normal to feel confused, directionless and teary eyed if you are a very emotional person. It's the best time to nurture and heal yourself from your past wounds and disappointments. Last but not least drive carefully. Accidents will happen more under its influence. Globally it will get a confusion , miscommunication and misconception that will lead to further disruptions and disagreements between nations. For now let's look at the beautiful Pisces moon, the harvest moon and calm our inner beings to get connected to the Divine realm.
God bless
Roshan Sylvia ❤❤❤
Pisces Moon